All ranking/seeding
Seeding will be based on the latest IWWF weekly ranking list
1st round
Running order: Based on ranking, best goes last
2nd round
Running order: Reverse order from first round result and ties seeded as per ranking
Women: Top 6
Men: Top 6
Based on single best result from the 2 rounds
In case of a tie for last spot, back-up score will count
If tie persists, all skiers tied for last place will enter the final
Tie for first place will be broken by a single pass run-off
Ties for all other places will be broken by back-up scores and if perfect ties persist then no run-offs will take place and placement and cash will be equally shared
Skier Protest
Skiers can only protest within 15 minutes after official results posting
Fall at first pass and wait time
In case of a fall on first pass, boat will quickly pick up the skier and drop at the end of the lake for equipment change with a 60 seconds wait time on platform
Rope Release
Rope Release will be measured on the starting dock prior to skier's turn
Driver Trick Sheet indicating speed, ballast, letter, etc. will be provided at the dock and will be mandatory
otherwise IWWF rules apply
No cash to skiers not attending the Prize Giving Ceremony